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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Would I Be Happier With Someone Else?

Oh that heralded question:"Would I be happier with someone else?" Maybe, but I doubt it. Here's why. Forget not the benefits of the one your with my friend. That's it in a nutshell. Why is that so important? Sure, perhaps you could have more physical intimacy, more laughs, more happiness with someone else, but for how long? And when will that relationship begin to look like the war ravaged one you have now?? Soon my friends. Too Soon.

Remember when you first started dating your husband or wife. Everyone is on their best behavior, your looking good, your passionate, your making every effort to impress. Then seven years later you find yourself irritated by every single thing your mate does! How does that happen?

Well, I don't know. It seems though that I've taken my mind off of the dream a bit too much and have done a 360 and I'm looking too much at realities. I have a wonderful wife. No, I have a one in a million wife whom any guy would die for. Problem is, perhaps like you, I sometimes focus far too much on her negatives.

Another thing too, as a man, I have to be the one to initiate things, and I often forget that I cannot expect her to be the one to make the first moves when it comes to physical, spiritual, or financial matters. I have to be the first.

I share this article from my heart to those who are struggling in their marriage. Yesterday I told my wife I felt like two angels crossed my path. After a series of arguments yesterday I met a wonderful elderly couple who simply looked over at me and said: &quotYou really have a good life, don't you sir!"

I turned around and saw two pearly white smiles of a contented vacationing elderly couple. The man was wearing tan bermuda shorts, wire-rimmed glasses, and a big blue Hawaain shirt. The lady, his wife, simply smiled at me, a graceful lady with long flowing white hair. I replied, &quotYes sir, I do."

Believe me, you wouldn't be happier with someone else no matter how pretty, how passionate, or how handsome. Why is that? After time you will simply revert back to all your old problems and issues. Sure, certain areas may improve, others may improve grandiously, but sure enough, your temper, your upbringing, and everything else will show it's ugly face over time.

Unfortunately, I do speak from experience. I married twice in my life for the wrong reasons, one because I was in a hurry to get married, and the second, because of an solely physical relationship that lacked any substance at all. Finally, through prayer, and pre-marital counseling, I met the woman of my dreams.

Things are not perfect for me, and I'm sure many of you can relate to the feeling of: &quotWhy do I put up with this?" The reason you put up with it is because you made a vow and you did it with your heart, not just your ever changing mind.

There are many times in marriages where the other person doesn't give like they should. It's up to you to be the giver, and hopefully your mate will come along over time. Marriage counseling may help, but ultimately you're going to have to give your problems to God and be willing to change yourself.

A very good friend of my wife's, let's call her Kimmy, recently shared that she &quotput her husband's stuff on the doorstep" after nearly twenty years of marriage. She was frustrated and fed up. Long story short, he cried profusely, something he had never done in front of her, and she took him back.

She then went on to say that she had never let her husband love her because she had all these walls up. Then she said: &quotI realized I'm the one that needs to change, not him." I looked at my wife, had a deja vu, and thought-that's my wife too! Kimmy then shared that for the first time she is starting to share her love with her husband even after eleven years and three children! Who can truly understand the heart of a woman?

Kimmy and her husband went to a couple at their church who counsels marriages, they call themselves marriage mentors, and they poured out their problems for hours to this experienced couple. Kimmy said she learned more about marriage in those three hours than she had in her entire eleven years of marriage.

I've heard many couples at my church state that they are getting success by enliciting help from other successful Christian couples. My advice is to seek out a couple in your church or friends that you can trust, to help you move through the tough times. Stamp and seal them your &quotmentors" and stick to their advice like crazy glue!

Also, keep one thing in mind, Kimmy said it and I'm saying it now. You are the one who needs to change. Not your mate. You. Who out there would divorce a giving, loving, passionate, and caring wife or husband? No one I dare say. Become an extreme lover of your wife and perhaps you'll see as I have, that she'll never let you go...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why Men Leave (Common Reasons Men Leave Relationships)

By: Brenda Shoshanna

There are many different reasons why men leave relationships or refuse to settle down with the woman they are with. It's important for women to take a good look at these reasons. To their surprise and delight, they will discover that most of the reasons why men leave have nothing to do with them. Some men cling to the ghost of past relationships, idealizing an old love and deciding they'll never find a person like that again. It feels safer to hold onto the past than risk failure with someone who is available today. These men prefer to dwell in a memory than to face the reality of present day life.

For some, this memory goes back to their mothers. No woman can live up to mom, or to any other woman they idealize. They begin to imagine that these other women were perfect and gave them unconditional love. Whatever their present girlfriend does is compared with that. No woman can win over an idealized memory. These men are living in dreams.

Other men leave seeking excitement and challenge. Being with someone who loves them becomes boring and flat. After years of dating beautiful women who adored him but for whom he felt little, Frederick, a handsome, articulate architect, in his late thirties, finally fell in love. It was a tumultuous situation, however.

"I was in love with Fern for three years," he said. "But I left her three times and each time she came back, wanting me again. No other woman had done that before. Fern was very neurotic. I guess that's what attracted me." Some men find the lack of stability in a woman to be challenging, exciting and erotic. The unpredictability creates a situation where there is a constant sense of danger and threat of loss. This keeps these men constantly on the alert, so things never become routine. Excitement is confused with passion. There is a sense that, because of the turmoil, they are finally alive. After awhile it usually becomes too much. "I finally left Fern and never went back," Frederick said. "It became too exhausting in the long run."

When men are attracted to neurotic women, it is interesting to note that these men are often attracting a partner who is expressing what he is also going through inside. She may be acting out what he is feeling and not able to express. When he finally becomes angry with the woman, he is really angry with himself. What we cannot accept in another is always something we haven't been able to accept in ourselves.

Other stresses also cause men to leave relationships. When a man is unhappy at his job, or when he feels pressured to commit, before he is ready, old dreams that haven't been fulfilled will come up to haunt him. He then will begin to feel that this is the time to live out these dreams. These men often feel justified in abruptly leave unsatisfying relationships in search of their fantasies and dreams.

When Renee, handsome, strong, the successful owner of a well know beauty salon left for a new woman he said, "No one leaves if they're happy. After awhile you just begin to feel time is running out and you get tired of the bad stuff. You feel you don't need it anymore. You paid your dues. You're tired." When asked why he felt the attraction to a different woman, he said, "Part of it is just plain beauty. But also she was much younger. I like that. A young woman looks up to a guy because he's older and can do all these things for her, and he adores her because she's young, pretty and makes him look good and feel good and proud."

Implicit in this is a deep need men have to be looked up to, valued, respected and recognized, not only by his peers, but by the woman he's with. Especially at a time in life when a man's sense of himself is wavering, it is extremely uplifting to have a woman who looks up to him and what he has achieved. Unfortunately, at this point, some wives of long standing can only see their man's deficits. If they then remind him of his failings constantly, it's often more than his ego can bear.

Though there are many more factors contributing to men leaving relationships, a common theme appears through all of them. The men are not necessarily responding to the woman they are leaving, but to their own inner needs, conflicts and dreams. Often they experience the woman in their lives simply as a part of their own sense of self. It is not the woman herself who necessarily causes the man to leave, but the man's feelings about himself, his own inner fantasy and quest.

Article Source:

Thursday, September 20, 2007

5 Ways To Increase The Joy In Your Relationships

By: Brenda Shoshanna

Usually we enter relationships hoping they will make us happy. We hope that this one is the right one, that we are not repeating mistakes of the past, and that finally we will receive the love, support and companionship we have been seeking.

Although this approach to relationships is normal, it usually brings disappointment because happiness comes and goes. It has to, because happiness depends upon circumstances. When things go well, we are happy. When we get what we want, when the sun is shining, others value us, our boyfriend finally pops the question, these are moments of happiness.

Joy is different. It doesn't come and go, or depend upon outer circumstances. When things are difficult, when our hopes are not fulfilled, it is still possible to feel joyful. Joy is a positive decision we have made about ourselves, and others. It involves taking responsibility for our lives and relationships. How much joy do you have in your love life? Here are five ways to find joy in relationships:

Stop Blaming Your Partner for Your Disappointments

When we're in a relationship, it's very easy to fall into blaming our partner for our disappointments, but it's one of the most significant ways we destroy our own joy and peace of mind. It is also one of the biggest ways we undermine the other person.

If you want to find more joy in your relationship, realize that if you are upset, it does not necessarily mean that something is wrong with your partner. Finding joy in a relationship comes down to understanding that it is your own expectations that have disappointed you. When we do not put heavy expectations on our partners, but are willing to spend time getting to know them and discover who they are, blame dissolves more easily. Other people have the right to be who they are and to express it.

Your partner has not been put on this earth to make you happy. No one can do that, except you, yourself. Your partner is here to share life with, to learn to be open, accepting and to grow.

Discover the Art of True Giving

There is a huge difference between giving to another and giving so you can get something back in return. When we are secretly waiting for what’s in it for us, this is nothing more than manipulation. On the other hand, joy is based upon true giving. When we learn to give sincerely, it is almost impossible to be upset. The giving itself is its own return.

True giving means generosity with no strings attached. It's giving your partner something that he would like, not something that pleases you. It means taking time to know the person and being willing to meet his needs. Some people fear giving, feeling that they will be drained or stripped bare. But the opposite is true. The more we give, the more we have. Giving brings a sense of fullness and kindness, the basis for the development of joy.

There are many things that can be given, everything from time and attention to acknowledging what makes you happy in the relationship. Want to put this plan into action? Make a list of all the things you could give your partner. Then make a list of the things you'd like him to give you. When you see these two lists side by side, you'll be amazed. See if you can give your partner what they want, regardless of whether they can do the same for you.

Give Up Trying to Change the Other Person

The incessant desire to fix or change the other person is one of the biggest thieves of joy. Plus, it causes power struggles within relationships and issues of control. One person feels she cannot love the other unless the other changes. The other feels hurt, inadequate and as though something is wrong with him.

Finding joy in a relationship means having the ability to love your partner as they are. Our partners have been put here to grow, develop and discover who they are. This can be a lengthy and challenging process. But the surprising thing about change is that the less we push and disapprove of others, the more easily and naturally they grow and change.

Learn How to Really Listen

There is no better way of giving to another than really listening. Most of the time we hear what our partners are saying, but have no idea how to listen. Listening involves getting out of your own mind and truly being there with the other person. It means stopping the little voice inside your head (the one that always comments or thinks about what it is going to say next). It means stopping the inner arguer and becoming quiet and available. When you really listen to another, in that moment, you have given up your own expectations of what you want them to say or to be, and are able to be present for them. This is an enormous gift you are giving. In fact, to many, being really listened to feels like being loved.

Give Up Trying to Change the Other Person

The incessant desire to fix or change the other person is one of the biggest thieves of joy. One person feels she cannot love the other unless that person changes. The other feels hurt, inadequate and as though something is wrong with him. The person who wants the change to happen becomes more and more frustrated as the other one withdraws or refuses to change for her. That's where the phrase, "if you loved me enough you would change," comes from.

Finding joy in a relationship means having the ability to love your partner as they are here to grow, develop and discover who they are. This can be a lengthy and challenging process. But the surprising thing about change is that the less we push and disapprove of others, the more easily and naturally they change.

Develop Patience

Patience is an old-fashioned word in today's world.However, there is no way to rush growth in relationships or in the development of joy. If you're eager to get on the right track, there are two ways to get started: Learn how to be more giving and make an effort to be a better listener. But each one of these tasks takes time to master -- and patience. That's why it is necessary to realize that as we are, right now at this moment, we are lovable and acceptable. If you're ready to increase the amount of joy you feel in your own relationship, take back the responsibility for finding joy in your life, you will be pleased at the results.

Article source:

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Lack Of Trust In A Relationship

Everyone wants to believe that love is a fundamental factor, and the hostility is just an occurrence. But, because much of turmoil in the love relationship, you can ask the question: what is the cause of the conflict? And why misunderstandings appear so easily and could lead to open confrontation?

The atmosphere of suspicion and lack of confidence in our loved one is not so much in the partner, as in the inability to cope with our own emotions.

People are more likely not to notice how little he/she gives to the others, but easily discover this flaw with his partner, feeling that "you never really loved me".

The wife,cherishing the idea of revenge - because her husband was not giving all their attention and all their love, do not notice how much hostility and aggression is expressed in her behaviour. Each of us occasionally forget their own hostile impulses and assign them to our partner.

Such a process invokes lack of trust in the love of our partner. Suspicion about loyalty and sincerity sometimes becomes obsessive. Aware of their own ability to quickly and easily cheat, people have no doubt that their partners are able to do the same. Fear of love always is mixed with fear of evil that we could do other people, or they could do to us. And the exhausting race of pursuance begins.

In love, the fate does not give people the warranty of loyalty and devotion. It is a matter of maturity and identification of personal internal fears.

Getting to know their unconsciously wishes and awareness of the prohibited expression of our own sexuality allows people to avoid paranoid traps.

Another source of mistrust in the love life is the fact that if love occurred, it is taken by us as a source of happiness, as the realization of our dreams. It is in the love a person, contradictory by her essence , suddenly hopes to resolve all her internal conflicts and shifts the responsibility for the decision to his/her partner.

The mistrust is also caused the idea that the perfect partner should correspond to a perfect love. Thus, the partner is entrusted with an impossible task.

The partner must be strong and at the same time helpless, to manage and be managed, severe and sensual. He must be the aggressor in sex and be tender as well, give us all time and at the same time to work, work and work.

When reality comes out, the illusions are destroyed, and our partner appears as he is for real, we are disappointed in him, not realizing that there is our fault too.

Many believe that the key to stable relations is the absence of conflict. But sometimes conflict is a means to maximize the closeness of partners if they were too distant from each other, and if there is no other way to gain their love.

Confidence in yourself, a sense of internal strength and relevance, lack of fear to depend on the loved one can save and strengthen relationships.

To escape from the traps of our subconsciousness, it is necessary first of all to trust yourself and your feelings, not being afraid to openly discuss difficult issues, handle the situation.

Love is a big responsibility not only for a partner, but also for our predictability and a desire to understand what happens to me in this moment.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Dating and Sex -- Should You or Shouldn't You?

At the beginning of a relationship, especially on the first few dates, it's very hard to determine if your partner is the right person and if she/he is the way they show us and not faking their personality.

The most known rule seems to be that you should never sleep with a date until at least the third date. There's no real logic but it does mean that you get a little breathing space before you start feeling that you 'should' be having sex! The general idea is that you should never have sex on a first date because that's going to get you a reputation for being 'easy'!

General consensus and opinions aside, whether or not you have sex on your first, third or tenth date is only up to you and your partner! Only you know if you are comfortable enough with your date and ready to have sex with him/her. No-one else really has the right to tell you that it's too early and it's not the done thing, or for that matter to pressure you into something that you're not ready for when you've had a dozen dates with your partner and haven't got past a chaste kiss on the cheek! Have control of the situation and decide it by yourself!

The worst situation with dating and sex is when there is an expectation that your date has created. They are clearly anticipating an intimate experience with you during or after the date. If you're up for it, that's great. If you're not, then you need to get this out in the open as soon as possible and give your date a chance to find another bed partner for the night if that's all they're looking for.

Don't feel guilty or uncomfortable when you say 'no' concerning sex to your date. Honesty now is better than getting them angry and feeling that you led them on later in the evening. It's also better feeling guilty with them than feeling bad about yourself because you followed their expectations and did something that you didn't want to do.

Listen to your mind and your body. They will tell you when the time is right to take your relationship to the next level. This could very well be within the first couple of dates if the chemistry is right and your intuition is telling you that your date is not just in the relationship for sex.

On the other hand, it could take some time, especially if you've had a bad experience in the past after having sex with a date early on in the relationship, before you're ready. Remember, there's only one person's opinion on when sex becomes an option within the relationship, and that's yours!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How To Handle A Cheating Girlfriend

Not all girls cheat, but unfortunately some do. If your girl cheats on you and you find out, there are several things that you can do about it. Some choices may be good for you, some will really stink, but cheating is never an easy thing to handle. It is painful and damages your trust as well as your pride and self confidence. You can deal with it and you will survive even though you might feel like you won't at times. Just take your time to decide what you are going to do and where you will take the relationship next. As I said, you have a few options.

Ignore It

It may seem easy to just ignore it and hope that it will go away, but think about that before you go that route. If you ignore it, that means that you either don't even talk about it with your girlfriend or you actually catch her and just play the "la la la, it will go away" method. Beware of this, though, while it may be easy because you don't have to deal with anything or dredge up the painful feelings, nothing is ever resolved either. The bitterness and resentment from the betrayal will fester and grow and can affect every aspect of your relationship, cause you to experience depression and is likely to make it difficult for you to get along with or even be with that person and be happy.

Ditch Her

This is often the knee-jerk reaction when someone is betrayed. The first thing that a person often does is tell the other person to get away, to leave and that it is over. This is the other extreme of ignoring it and can be just as unproductive. When you first learn that you have been betrayed you may want to strike out, but opt for taking a break from the relationship instead. If you fly into a fury and send her away immediately, you may have second thoughts later and call her back and this can lead to the "ignore it" method. You may ping pong like this for a while until one of you finally blows and an even more painful altercation and eventual break up may ensue.

Stay with her but Make her Miserable

This may be, initially, the most satisfying method of dealing with the unfaithfulness. However, that satisfaction is often not real and short lived. True, you could stay with her and remind her of what she did every day of her life. You could guilt her into doing things for you, staying with you regardless of how miserable she is and being whatever you want her to be, but that can backfire. As the resentment grows - on both sides - she feels mistreated and abused while you never resolve what happened and fall deeper into your manipulation of her. Again, the resentment and anger bubbles just below the surface and one day it will blow. The results could be disastrous.

Work it Out

This is the most difficult and requires the most commitment, but it can also be the most rewarding. Take a break from each other; seek counseling both individually and as a couple and take time to feel the pain. Experience the pain and work through it. There is an old saying that once someone cheats they will cheat again. This is not necessarily true. Some people have an affair, work things out with their partner and never have another affair. Other people have an affair, work things out, have another affair and keep on until they have left their relationship and their partner in a shambles. Only you can decide if the relationship and your girlfriend are worth fighting for and worth saving.

Article Source:

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Show Your Partner That You Care

Many of us start our relationship with love. But after some time you may feel that something is changed, that routine is getting in your relationship. That doesn't mean that the love is gone but you have to do something to keep your love alive.

Relationships are difficult to sustain. We all want to have a relationship that works. Happiness is the primary need of all of us. To make your relationship work , being like before, and also to not lose your partner you should start by showing her that you really care, to impress her with something every day.

It is important to show people that we care. While big and extravagant gifts are one way, it is the small things that we do everyday that are the most important. You don’t need to be creative, have a big budget or heaps of bright ideas to show someone that you care.

Here are some helpful tips you may use to show her that you care, tips to impress her and show that you love her like the beginning.

Surprise her in the morning by making her coffee and bring her breakfast at the bed. If you didn’t done this before you will definitely surprise her in a positive way. This is good way to start your day by being spoiled.

Propose her to make the shower together because you didn't do it for a long time. Show her that you make time for her and it's no problem if you get late at work sometimes. Spending some time with her is much important even if you have a lot of work today.

Bring home roses for no reason at all. You don't need a special reason to buy her flowers to show how much you love her. Your intentions will be appreciated and the message will be better understood.

Be sensitive and carrying. Ask her if is something wrong if you see that she is a little upset. Listen to her and try to make her smile again. Remember her that you'll pass all the problems together.

Don't forget to compliment her sometimes and tell her she's beautiful like in the first day you met. It’s good to hear that you still like how she looks.

Ask if there's anything you can do in the house even if you didn't do it again. Ask her if you can help with something, and sometimes do a little cleaning even she doesn't ask you to do it. Notice the things that are missing and go shopping them without ask her. She will be very surprised that you care about the house and offer to help her.

Remember anniversary and birthday. A woman always know this dates, but men are usually forget this, aren't too important for them. That's why she will be impressed and very happy to see that you are a carrying man and remember your anniversary.

Prepare her a romantic weekend that she doesn't expect to. Go away to spend a romantic weekend with your partner only you two, somewhere away from home where nobody can reach and disturb you. It's the perfect place and chance to re alive the love between you two.

Once you begin to pay attention to what brings her pleasure and happiness, you're on your way to being a true romantic. The thing to keep in mind is that romance is about her desires, not yours. Your satisfaction comes from watching her joy.

By: Ovi Dogar

Article Source:

Friday, July 27, 2007

How to Tease a Woman the Right Way and Become More Attractive

I am sure you have heard the claim that nice guys tend to have more difficulty meeting and attracting women. Or, maybe you have experienced it. Well, this statement is unfortunately not too far from the truth.

You have probably even read several reasons why this happens so I am not going to reiterate that here. Rather, I am going to give you a practical solution to better attract women and have some fun doing it-TEASE HER. Even if you are not really the "nice guy" but do carry that confident, alpha male personality, you may want to fine-tune your skills and give this a try.

Women generally view nice guys as uninterested, boring and providing absolutely no challenge. This is why these guys usually do not get too far with women since she eventually loses interest and many times before the first conversation has ended. Obviously, this is not going to help things progress in the direction you are hoping.

So, what do you do? You provide a subtle challenge to a woman yet without appearing to be an asshole or jerk. There is a fine-line between an interesting, challenging guy and a jerk which will have the opposite affect and turn her off. A good way to avoid crossing this line is to tease her.

Bringing humor into the conversation directed toward her not only shows her you have a sense of humor (which women love) but also makes you more interesting and challenging. The best approach is to treat her like a little sister by nicely teasing yet teasing her nonetheless.

Many guys are confused about the importance of humor in attracting women. They tend to ask why they should use it, why it is so important and why it works.

Let me explain...

As I have already said, women tend to view a man with a sense of humor as fun, interesting, challenging and far from boring. And, women like to be around interesting guys which is, of course, what you want. Projecting your humorous side allows you both to have a good time during the conversation, and more importantly, she will enjoy herself and have a good time. This makes her far more open to being around you at a later date which is a pre-requisite for things to progress to a date and even more.

This remains true even when your humor mostly revolves around teasing at her expense. Making fun of people is usually tagged with a negative connotation, for obvious reasons, but when it comes to attracting women you can use it positively and for your benefit. As counter-productive as this seems, it can really work when you are trying to pick-up a woman.

It is effective because it begins to build her attraction towards you. One reason is that you are not portraying the nice guy personality nor are you focused on pleasing her. Also, the conversation is far more interesting when you mix in your sense of humor which is an important factor by itself in attracting women. Remember, avoid boring!

Finally, it shifts the "pursuit" from you to her making her work for your attention rather than you trying to gain hers. Even though you may be, it is not really clear to her and keeps things challenging from her end.

A great way to tease a woman effectively is to call her out on things she says during the conversation. You can also start building some sexual chemistry by twisting some of her statements into subtle innuendos but, of course, you should not come on too strongly or it will turn her off. It might give her the wrong impression, but in the right amount, it is a good way to create more chemistry.

One reason you do not want to come on too strongly is because you want to keep her in a "subconscious state of limbo." You remain a challenge when she is not sure if you are into her or not. Women are attracted to a challenge when it comes to men and this provides just enough to make her work for your attention while the attraction is building at the same time.

Ultimately, following this advice above creates the perfect atmosphere for the attraction to build. You can open the door to progressing from initial attraction and beyond!

Article Source:

Friday, July 20, 2007

3 Body Language Signs Of Cheating In A Lover

Have you been suspecting him/her of being places you don't know about ... or you just feel that "fishy" feeling about them, something here is just not right.

Well believe me.... you could very well be on to SOMETHING. Trust your intuition to investigate, but you need to confirm it. I'll get to the point on this.... if you want to discover if your partner is fibbing on you or not, just check the body language. Few trained professionals can fake body language well (trust me, it takes hypnosis to really get lying down as a body language art).

Most people lie by focusing on their vocal tone and straightforwardness of answer. This takes away their focus from the body language aspect. They can't focus on all these things right at the moment. This will give away at least one or two signs for you catch them hard.

The first thing to do is to ask them a "trick" question about their activity or whereabouts. The response is to get them to answer "correctly" and see if this answer is hiding a lie.

Here are the signs to be keen of....
1. Fingers or hand over the mouth
2. Fingers of hand over an ear
3. Fingers or hand over the eyes

Any of these can give away a strong signal if this is done right at the moment of a lie.

Now, remember, the story does get deeper because there are 2 micro-facial expressions that can confirm this. See the highly-acclaimed full-proof Cheat Sweeper system for these...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Six Simple Fast Ways To Save A Marriage

Let's face it, no relationship is perfect. At some point, even the best suited of couples will find themselves having difficult times. Each marriage has its share of ups and downs, but can still be a satisfying and happy relationship if both partners want it to be. If you're currently experiencing problems and wonder if they can be worked out, just remember that there are many ways to save a marriage.

One of the best ways to save a marriage is to start communicating more effectively. Poor communication is a major reason any relationship fails. If you don't know how to fix what's wrong in your communication skills, try buying some books or look for local self-improvement classes. Many talk about improving communication, and you might even find one about the many ways to save a marriage!

Another way to save a marriage is to curb your criticism. Even if you're upset with your spouse, there are many ways to express your feelings, and some are more effective than others. When it comes to the ways to save a marriage, yelling and nagging are not among the recommendations. Share your feelings, but only in positive and constructive ways. Hurtful criticism will never help.

Besides this, another way to save a marriage that isn't as talked about sometimes is the need for a private life. While you share your life with someone you love, you will have many interests and friends in common. But having friends and interests of your own is healthy and can go a long way to save a marriage.

Taking care of yourself is another way to save a marriage. When you take time to do something for yourself to get physically fit or take classes to improve your self-esteem, it can only enhance your relationship. Feeling better about yourself makes life better all around.

Individual and couples therapy are also positive ways to save a marriage. Sometimes it really helps to talk to an objective third party, someone who's trained to recognize destructive patterns in relationships. Therapists can offer advice on many ways to save a marriage, even a relationship with serious problems.

A valuable way to save a marriage is for both partners to commit to being completely honest with each other. Secrets and lies are no way to save a marriage; they can only hurt or undermine trust. It can be scary opening up and completely trusting, but it's one sure fire way to strengthen the intimacy of any relationship.

So what are the ways to save a marriage? There are many, but if you're committed to the relationship and willing to do what it takes to work through the problems that arise, then you'll benefit from any way to save a marriage that you choose.

By Hong Brandon

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Date Ideas..

Now that a sorry geek such as you has finally landed the girl of your dreams and everyone else’s dreams, let’s get to the hard part. The part where you keep the girl interested in you. This can also be described as the part where you end up selling your family fortunes and end up penniless, but that doesn’t matter as long as you’ve managed to keep your girl right.

Now let us analyze the concept of a date. The origins of the word ‘Date’ lie in ancient Arabia, where the summers, the springs, the girls and the winters are always hot. The age old tradition of Arabia decreed that males seen going out with females had to be violently punished. Hence hanging out inside the city was a little impossible, unless the wife was ok to the idea of a thing-less husband. So what the hormone heavy kids did was, they used to go out in the desert and hang out under the shade of the date palms. The word stuck and hence we go ‘dating’ nowadays.

Now, your date location is highly dependent on what sort of a person you are. There’s a concept in France where a huge barrel is filled with grapes and people get to stomp on them and laugh and screech and pretend to have lots of fun while doing it. If you’re a extremely insecure person, I would not advise you to use this tactic because you don’t want to see a hunk ‘fall’ on your wife/girlfriend, thrash about in the grape slush and have lots of fun while you run away crying. So for all of you insecure guys out there, please avoid such ‘contact sports’-dates, or get an insecure girl who’d rather cling on to you than be clung onto. You might also want to check out the dating avenues offered by a gay bar. You’d be able to completely eliminate ‘guys hitting on your girl’ from the equation then, giving you ‘quality’ time to spend with your girl.

Now for married couples, there is an extremely radical and absolutely ‘win-win’ date concept you might want to explore. A date with a married couple. That way, you could gain valuable information about the joys of being married (if you get what I mean) and add to the pleasures of your married life. Worst case scenario, your wife could end up falling for the other husband, but don’t worry. You shouldn’t miss the trick here. You can always hit on the other wife if that happens.

Now for the hard core romantics, I suggest falling back on history for inspiration. Way back in history. I suggest going to an apple orchard and picking apples together. If you think that this idea sucks, I’d suggest you remind yourself what happened after Eve ate The Apple. Doesn’t suck so much now does it?

Or if you’re the rather conservative lover, you can check out the usual love spots in your locality and keep your chick entertained. Now don’t ask me how to keep your chick entertained because that’s your job. If I did that, she’d be my girl, not yours.

If nothing works out and your girl’s getting losing interest, I recommend falling back on the ‘date-under-the-date-palms’ thing. A date palm’s never disappointed anyone on a date. So far.

By: Myers

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Clues Which Tell If Your Partner is Having an Affair

Infidelity hurts no matter whether it is in a marriage or dating relationship. While some suspicions in a relationship are completely normal, sometimes you just know something is not quite right. In many cases it is difficult to detect because your partner is minding his or her business very closely. They do not want to get caught, not only do they stand to lose the relationship, they could end up with a zero dating experience, if both sides find out that there is someone else.

There are sure fire methods of knowing if your partner is having an affair, but it can be time consuming and costly. The best way to avoid the cost of a private investigator is to do a little snooping yourself and keep your money in your pocket. Here are some clues to tell if your partner is having an affair.

The most obvious clue that is generally very easy to spot is if your partners schedule has changed. Some fluctuation in work hours is normal, but if there is a consistent late, early morning or odd times they may be cheating on you. When you are dating or married to someone you often can guess their work schedule, hobby schedule and when they will be home. If this predictability changes and you are unable to locate them by phone, or in person, it may be time to get suspicious. Excuses such as I forgot my phone, late meetings or early arrival for workload should be a clue that they may be having an affair. Watch for the changes, then start evaluating.

The second clue is odd phone numbers, phone calls or email addresses. If you are having hang up phone calls or your partner is very private with their phone calls, it could be a sign. If in the past, phone calls were taken right in front of you and now he or she waits until you leave the room, you can suspect that the phone call must have been something private. Most individuals that are cheating are somewhat secretive and get defensive, even angry when questioned about their phone calls, emails or other communication methods. They have to have some way to talk to this mistress so keep your eyes and ears open for strange phone calls, numbers or email addresses.

Tip. If the phone history and computer history is constantly deleted, this is a gigantic clue that your partner may be having an affair.

If your partner suddenly has new interests such as golfing, bowling or any other hobby that you have never seen before, beware. This may be a sign that the other person is interested in this hobby so your partner is taking it up. Generally after you have been dating someone for a while you pretty well know their hobbies, likes and dislikes. Also another clue that there may be an affair is if this new hobby only involves the guys or girls and you are never invited. Other changes in likes and dislikes may include music, reading, sports and or other changes in physical activities.

A sudden change in appearance, diet or exercise is another big clue that your partner may be having an affair. If a preoccupation with how their body looks or the shape that they are in may indicate that someone is looking. Women are notorious for buying new bras and panties, ridding their dresser of granny panties. Men will often begin exercising, dye their hair and maybe change the way they dress. Now there are times in a dating or marriage relationship that people want to change their appearance, but if there is a lack of reason you may want to dig in and find out why the change.

There are products on the market that allow you to test your partners under garments for signs of infidelity. These should be used after you have exhausted all other determining clues. The test kits can get costly so be pretty sure before resorting to the testing method. The best way to determine whether or not that your dating partner is cheating on you is to keep your eyes and ears open. Never bury your head in the sand and think that it cant happen to you, it can. Generally, there are several clues that your partner is having an affair, but you have to be aware and know them when you see them.

By: Lee Blackspur

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Friday, July 6, 2007

How to Initiate Seduction with a Sensual Massage

In order to be able to seduce women and become a great lover you have to be skilled at foreplay.

As you probably know foreplay can involve a lot of steps and actions.

But before you even initiate kissing and other sexual actions, you should get her in the mood by giving her an erotic sensual massage.

If you're good at giving a woman sensual massage, you can put her in a relaxed (and turned-on) state which makes it easy to seduce her.

Learning how to give sensual massages can take a bit of time, but there are a few basic rules which can dramatically improve your skills:

• Darken the lights, use candle illumination and put on soft music

• Use lotion as a way to avoid skin friction

• Make sure she's warm and relaxed before starting. If you have to set the room temperature higher then normal

• Massage her with the flat of your hands and your fingers closed together

• Use a consistent rhythm and keep a the same pace

• Only use your fingers when working on really tense spots

• Work all over her body, starting with her shoulders and back. Then move down to her intimate areas as she becomes more relaxed

By knowing how to give great sensual massages, you'll find it's much easier to put her in the mood and start seducing her.

So if you're serious about improving your seduction skills, practice these steps and learn how to give sensual massages. Once this happens, she'll be fully prepared for the sex that's about to happen!

By Scott Patterson

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Is Your Man Insecure and Jealous?

A jealous and insecure man can cause various problems and eventually a heart break. Each individual reacts differently to certain comments and situations. There are several methods in dealing with a jealous husband or boyfriend.

When they seem to become envious of other men it may be time to have a long conversation or seek professional help. When they begin to become resentful of female friends, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship as a whole. There are various types of insecure men. Some individuals become sad if their women is looking or flirting at other men, this is a mild form.

There are other people that are angry that their girlfriend is keeping friendly company with other men, even if these people were friends before the couple became an item. Then there are people that demand where they were as soon as they walk through the door. These types of individuals are certain that their lady has been cheating on them. There are several methods that a woman could use to test the waters and find out how insecure and jealous their man is.

It usually starts with slight comments or irritating looks. The lady may glance at another individual and an icy look could arise from their partner. After awhile a fight may start. This is common in a relationship where jealously is involved. To avoid the mild fights and annoyances, the lady may choose to keep the flirting and looking away while their significant other is with them.

An individual may begin to become more demanding and fights could happen more often if a female has gentlemen friends. This is a major sign of a problem within the relationship. A female's partner has no right or privilege to tell another person who can be their friends. Just like they cannot tell their gentlemen partner that they cannot have female friends. When this issue becomes a problem it could permanently damage the relationship. It is vital to seek help before assistance will not matter. If the relationship is worth saving contact a professional to help through this dilemma.

When the relationship becomes unbearable it may be time to walk out the door. If the jealously becomes overly apparent or the demanding factor is coming into play with female friends as well, this will only lead to destruction. An individual needs to understand where their relationship is going and decide if it is right for them. Some people may enjoy a person telling them who they can see and be friends with. However, with most individuals this does not work.

Jealousy and insecurities can damage any relationship. It is vital to understand why this is happening. The gentleman could have been in a horrible relationship previously. If the couple wants to try and work this out there are many options available for them. Understanding, communication and compassion works wonders in relationships.

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Monday, July 2, 2007

5 Common Mistakes Men Make In Dating

When approaching women, men will need to bear some points in mind so as not to make the same mistakes like other guys make. Here are the top 5 common mistakes men make when approaching a woman:

1. Approaching without a plan. If you never plan, you are planning to fail. Although you can always improvise on the spot, but by having a plan, it will always increase your chances of coming across as a person she might consider dating.

2. Lie to women. When a man does not give enough respect and credit to a woman, he is going to fail. Most men think that they can fool a woman into giving them their number. Listen, women know that you are trying to pick them up, so do not beat around the bush. Be direct and let them know exactly what you want.

3. Forgetting about her comfort zone. It is important for you to realize that most women will be on their guard when you first approach them. This is normal, and therefore it is extremely important for you to come across as a harmless guy. Being a little humorous always help.

4. Acting like a pervert. Do not just stare at her boobs when you just got to meet a woman, it will only bring across to her that you are a pervert. Instead, lock your eyes into hers while talking to her, it shows that you respect her and are interested to know her more.

5. Do not act like an irresponsible man. In reality, men are very bad to women. There is always a heavy price to pay for breaking a heart. When you are faithful to a woman, you will reap the rewards in the long run.

Hope that you do not make these common mistakes that most men make.

By: Crid Lee

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Do You Want Trust Back In Your Relationship?

TRUST is hard to earn, but easy to lose. And without TRUST, relationships come apart quickly.

Trust is the belief that a partner has your best interest at heart. And it is impossible to have a healthy relationship without trust.

Trust is a two-way street. Trust involves telling the truth AND being open to hearing what a partner has to say. But, sometimes the truth can be difficult to tell OR hear. When this happens, trust gets damaged and must be repaired.

Relationships are important - without doubt, one of the most important things we have.

At the same time, relationships are difficult, full of problems, and hard to maintain. So, knowing how to rebuild trust is an important skill to master.

Why is it important to rebuild trust?

For starters, being able to repair trust is essential to keeping a close, healthy relationship. And close relationships provide many benefits.

Individuals in close, healthy relationships live longer and enjoy better health. This gain is undoubtedly due to the fact that people in close relationships have a built-in emotional and physical support system – someone to care for them and provide comfort in times of need. Not only do people in close relationships live longer, but they report being happier and more satisfied with life than individuals who have a difficult time maintaining a healthy relationship.

Having a close relationship also provides many tangible benefits. Sharing resources with another person is a great way to get ahead in life. Two people working together can live better than what either person could do on their own. When individuals find someone to share life with both people come out ahead.

Furthermore, people in close relationships also receive more social support – that is, having someone who is attentive to their needs and concerns. And having social support creates a lot of benefits. Knowing that someone cares, allows individuals to handle life's problems more effectively. People who feel loved and supported make better decisions with less stress and anxiety.

Finally, having a companion makes life more enjoyable. Having someone to share life’s little things, like walking the dog, watching TV, eating meals is important; it makes life more entertaining and enjoyable.

All told, close relationships provide enormous benefits to people who are able to maintain healthy relationships.

By: Timothy Cole

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Monday, June 18, 2007

How to Arouse Her Instantly

Smooth pick up lines may have worked in 80s movies but most women today are a bit more savvy. There are much more subtle and effective ways to turn women on.

Eye contact is one of them. Pay attention to what she is saying and keep your eyes above her bust line. Breast ogling is not a turn on, unless she has just had them done and is asking you about them.

Touching is another way to show her you are interested but it has to be the right kind of touching. Running your thumb in little circles over the top of her hand or her palm can be highly arousing. Grabbing her ass is not.

Touch her as if she is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.

Caress her with the love that most guys give to their favorite vintage car or most dreamed of stereo component. Run your hands gently over her curves.

Put your passion into the kiss. Slow and seductive. Deep and hungry. Your kiss can be the date maker or breaker. Savor the taste of her. Drink her up without leaving her face
all wet and drippy.

Women want to be wooed then taken.

By:Caterina Christakos

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Romance & Rose Petals: 10 Creative Ways to Use Them

By: Jewel Kinch

If you are looking to create a special ambiance, start the path to seduction or just bring a smile of delight to your sweetheart's face? One sure-fire way is with deliciously scented, silky rose petals. You can pick up rose petals from your local florist shop or order prepackaged petals online. The prepackaged ones usually come with some other sensual items, like tea light candles, which can add nicely to the ambiance.

Of course the rose petals should be lusciously scented. Most will be, but if they are not as pungent as you would like, pick up a rose scented mist from your local bath shop or pharmacy.

Make sure you purchase at least a few dozen so your rose petal surprise doesn't look skimpy. Of course, if you're making a trail down a hallway or up stairs, buy a few dozen more. Most of the time, eight or nine dozen will not cost more than ten or fifteen dollars – a very inexpensive, romantic treat.

Don't feel that you always have to go with red petals, sometimes a pink, peach or even white can be a wonderful surprise. Take note of what you are putting them on and go with the color that will stand out the most, capturing your love's immediate attention.

• Fill a pretty basket full with the aromatic petals. You need to know when your sweetheart will be coming in, listening closely for that key in the lock. Be positioned so that when they open the door, you are in position to immediately begin dropping rose petals at their feet as they step inside. You will continue to step back as you shower their every step with petals, as the king or queen that they are (remember Eddie Murphy in Coming to America? As a prince, he couldn't walk a single step without rose petals leading the way!)

• Run a warm bath for your love, complete with romantic music and candles. Finish this glorious setting by sprinkling beautiful rose petals in the bathtub. They will be gently floating on top when your sweetie steps in to luxuriate.

• Take your rose petals and sprinkle them from your entrance door, down the hallway (or up the stairs) to the foot of your bed. Now there's a silent invitation that your love will relish when they come home.

• A short while before you know that your sweetheart will climb into bed, take a few handfuls of silky petals, pull back the sheets and toss them lavishly into the bed. Put the covers back, making the bed up to look as usual. What a sweet surprise when your darling pulls the covers back to slide into bed!

• Put a dozen rose petals on the pull shade in your sweetheart's car. When they pull the shade down to protect themselves from the sun or pull out an item kept there, they will be showered with the soft, silky petals.

• The next time you serve your sweetheart breakfast in bed, make sure you've decorated the tray, surrounding all the delectable edibles with some pretty rose petals.

• The next time you go on a picnic, along with the wine, cheese & grapes, take along some beautifully scented petals to spread on your throw. There will be nothing better than laying in your bed of roses as an alluring end to your day in the park.

• The next time you give your sweetheart a massage, add rose petals for a luxurious, aromatic ambiance. Depending on the surface, you can place bunches of petals in shallow bowls or baskets around the massage area, or simply spread them all over the surface.

• When your sweetheart is in the shower, take an opportunity to toss petals all over them. Reach over the shower rod or stall to toss the petals, instead of pulling back the curtain or door.

• Take the current book or magazine that your love is reading, open it up to the bookmark and place the rose petals inside. What a delightful surprise when they sit down to relax with their book and the petals tumble into their lap. Make sure your love will not be opening the book/magazine on public transportation

You can create many special moments, enticing, enchanting, seductive moments. Using rose petals can bring an element of surprise that will be appreciated by your loved one. Use these suggestions as your "expressions of love" to and create many joyous moments together.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

She Is Testing You – Retaliate Now

Women test men all the time. Even if none of men like this, we all know that we can't live without them. So, hating women or trying to live without them is not viable solution. The best thing we can do is to accept that they do and will test us.

''The test'' is that unexpected, unexplained, quirky situation inflicted on a man by a woman in a relationship. Women love to test men by throwing obscure theoretical questions, and especially to judge them. They usually like to test men, who are interested in, for whom they feel some attraction. They try to tell things about men by observing certain aspects of their behavior, or telling them things and judging them according on how they react.

Women test men because they need to quickly figure out what they're dealing with, and they can't expect a man to be straight up and honest about his strengths and weakness. Women are attention-seekers in constant need of reassurance and affirmation that someone cares for them and wants to protect them. They need to know that you'll set limits that you'll stand up for yourself, this making them feel safe. It gives them the reassurance that you are strong enough and confident enough to fight back when you are provoked and that you are capable of protecting them from danger.

They test us to see how strong emotionally we are, how smart we are, or enjoy to make men feel uncomfortable. So, even if she has a high interest in you, even she is always sweet, loving and giving person, she will always feel the need dig any question. A healthier attitude is to love and enjoy women for all their great qualities, while learning to deal with their tests.

But, from where you can know when you are tested? First you should ask yourself if the event makes sense in the context of the situation; if the answer is no, then you are probably being tested. How they do this? Here are some examples:

-she likes to flirt with another man in front of you – the best thing you can do is to ignore it when it happens; you can start by chatting evenings with other women or friends of her; this will cool her off, and she will change this habit

-she cancel your meeting in the last minute- this is very disappointing because you are ready to walk out the door and only then she tells you she is not coming anymore; you can prevent this from the beginning by telling her that you hate girls which cancel dates; but sometimes she may have a good reason to cancel the meeting

-she likes to turn you on while making out, just to see if you respect her ; best you can do is to stay calm, relax, don't sulk or push it; if she sees you are cool about it and you aren't stressed, you will see that she'll likely relaxed and you have pass the test;

-also there are times when women confuse men , act evasive and feign disinterest in order to try to communicate to men, because they don't like to be taken for granted, being scared to not have their heart broken by a man.

There are times when a woman is testing you intentionally or unintentionally. When she makes it intentionally she will do or say something as an attempt to bait man into reacting to her; she wants to find out if you have a strong reality and identity; she might be acting like ignoring you, teasing you about a flaw you have, trying to make you jealous and so on. So use your own discretion and don't react to her too quickly. She might test you unintentionally, but your reactions will be judged; she has desire to be validated for her beauty and a yearning for the rush to chasing a man who is a prize; so you have to show her you have a strong reality and identity, to not validate her too much so that she'll be satisfied; give her just enough to keep her waiting, reaching and chasing you for more of it.

Now you know that any woman will test you. All you have to do is to accept that, and learn how to deal with. For dealing with any type of test you have to have the necessary tools; if you have these, you may use all these tests to your advantage.

By: Ovi Dogar

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What You Need To Know About How Guys Think

First, most guys only think about themselves, but they never really realize it. You have to think about what it is that you want out of him. Is this something that you have told him or hinted at? Guys aren't mind readers and they never pick up on the subtle hints. Guys think basic. They know what they want to do and how to do, but they won't do the things that you would unless you tell them.

There are plenty of things that guys think about, but most women feel that they think about their money, cars, and sex all day long. There are plenty of more things and they do happen to think about the relationship often. You will find that it isn't always about immature topics.

First, guys do think about the relationship and they think about things that you bring to their attention. Things like lies and being dishonest is just as much hated by guys as it is by women. When it comes to relationships, guys are very insecure. They are afraid that you are playing them and that this is all some colossal joke. That's why they think about things that you say or do in the relationship. They stay up thinking up the relationship just as much as you, the only thing is that they don't always verbalize what they are thinking.

They also like to get gifts and attention just like you too. There are some things that both sexes like and attention is just one of those things. When you notice that your boyfriend is getting a little needy, it's just because he wants to keep a little bit more of your attention.

You have to spend time together so that you both can fill the void that is inside. When you spend time together, you are also able to keep the relationship moving forward. Guys always want to spend time with someone; it is very rare that they do not want some type of attention. If you are positive in the relationship then the relationship will stay positive. They like to be romanced to. When you both take the time to do some romancing then your relationship will seem to be a lot stronger.

Another thing that he is thinking is, "Stop trying to change me!" When you get into a relationship, you do not want to step into it thinking that you can change them. You will want to be with them because he is just plainly being himself. They do not want someone to come into the relationship half hearted and want them to give up some of their most favorite things.

They are also worried about how you are going to judge them. They have a lot of insecurities just like you and they are afraid that you are judging them too hard. They are afraid of not being able to meet your expectations. They are thinking that you are putting way too many expectations on them and you are judging them too hard.

Of course, they do think about sex a lot more than women. They think about all aspects of intimacy. They think about the sexual acts, but they also think about the meaning behind things and relationships. They think about things like cuddling, hugging, and as well as the number of indiscretions that they wish they could have. It's not all about sex though; there are some other aspects of intimacy that does cross their mind.

You should not always judge them so quickly. You never know what kind of surprises they are up to. You should not always be so quickly to jump to conclusions because you will end up assuming too much. You should also never assume with men. They have no idea what you want unless you literally spell it out. Tricks and hints do not mean anything to most guys, because they are unable to pick up on them. This is because most men are not aware to their surroundings or the finer details in life.

Most men see things in a bigger picture rather than the small picture that women see. This can be very difficult, but if you learn how to communicate with each other, you'll be able to overcome your issues. It's hard to understand the other sex, but if you can take the time to ask some questions. You'll be able to understand each other with better communication skills. You'll also be able to make your relationship stronger by taking the time to ask him what he has on his mind.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tips On Celebrating Your Dating Anniversaries Thoughtfully

Celebrating dating anniversaries is not about a lavish party or any kind of expensive event. It's primarily about letting your partner know that you remembered the date, which means that the relationship is special to you. Of course, not every anniversary is as special or has equal weight as others. Let's take a look at the special dating anniversaries that you should be celebrating.

The first is the three month dating anniversary. If you've been together for three months the bloom is not off the rose of romance, but celebrating the event tells your mate that you want to continue the relationship even though you've now started to see some of her or his faults and foibles. A nice meal in a special place is a great way to celebrate this dating anniversary. You might want to go to a comedy club or dinner theatre, or to some place romantic like a ballet or opera.

And, oh, by the way, don't celebrate the first or second month of your dating. That's the time when you're still getting to know each other, you don't know that you want to go farther; you don't know that your partner does. Besides, most relationships last for one or two months. You could be spending time and money celebrating something that will end next week. You could have an empty wallet and a lonely heart.

Celebrating a one year dating anniversary is much more serious, and much more special. Now you really know a lot more about each other, good and bad. Yet you're still together. You're bound to be thinking long term as is he or she, and you need to make this incredibly special. Travel out of town - maybe a trip to San Francisco if you live in Sonoma County, or a day at the Indy 500 if you're from Fort Wayne. It doesn't have to be a week in Hawaii, but make it a very special treat, full of good wine, good food and loving attention showered on each others.

Celebrating a two year dating anniversary should be a trip alone together. You might do something you've always wanted to do - something that the two of you will remember forever. Perhaps begin a sport or tradition that will carry you into forever. You might start wilderness camping, or whitewater rafting, or mountain climbing. You might find a cabin at the lake that you return to each and every year after that. Once night has fallen on your first day's adventure is the time to pull out the gorgeous diamond or the great new watch, or the book of love poems - something that will have her or him remembering you each time she or he looks at it.

Once you've hit the five year dating anniversary one of you is probably getting anxious about when the question is going to get popped. That anniversary must deal with that. While you must shower each other with love and attention you must recommit as well, whether there's a diamond in the future or the present or not. Without this you might not be celebrating any more dating anniversaries.

Monday, June 11, 2007

What's More Important - Your Girlfriend Or Your Pride?

The internet is full of sage advice on “How to pick up women”. What to wear, how to dress, how to act, endless lists of dos and don’ts. So why does it fail us just when we need it the most? Why is it that we can’t keep our cool only when we’re around the woman we desire the most? It seems that the women we want the most are the ones we find it impossible to get. We like to tell ourselves that competition is stiff, but we all know at some level that there’s more to it than that – for most of us, there’s something wrong inside.

I’m not talking about psychological problems here. I’m talking about the normal struggles and insecurities that every man (and every woman) faces. And technique will not cure this one – a change in attitude is required, and that requires the courage to look deep inside and ask yourself some uncomfortable questions, like:

(1) Why do I have to have this particular woman?
(2) Why do I have to have any woman at all?
(3) What is it that I really want from women, anyway?

Take some time considering these questions. Dig deep. Odds are the answers will surprise you. The first answers most guys will give to all three of the above questions will usually be something like love or sexual gratification. But if my own experience is any indication, the most important motivation is something that has nothing to do with love or sex. On the contrary, the deepest and most important reason that motivates most men to seek “success with women” is to establish their own masculinity.

There. I said it. Once the Big Secret has been brought out in the open and articulated, what once seemed impossible to understand suddenly becomes simple. No woman can impart masculinity to any man, because women don’t have any to give (not any kind of woman I would go out with, anyway). A woman might be able to make you feel like a man, but she can’t make you a man.

A suggestion: take a vacation from dating and climb a mountain. Join the army. Start standing up for what you believe is right no matter what the consequences. Stop tiptoeing around people whose disapproval you fear, look them straight in the eye, and tell them what you think even if you lose your job or your friends that way. You’ll lose a lot that way but trust me – you’ll get it all back later. And when the smoke has cleared, you’ll find that you’re much more attractive to women without even trying to be.

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

How To Look Sexy And Attract Her

Being sexy in front of a woman is a very important process in the seduction game. Women are attracted to guys who are sexy, and there are a few steps that you need to do so as to look sexy in front of them.

1. Be clean. Start with a good shower every morning, or a bath at night. Feeling and looking clean is crucial. Wash with nice-smelling body soap. You need to be soft and able to cuddle at all times. Practice good dental hygiene as well.

2. Have a nice haircut. Keep your hair neat, and have a good hair-dresser to maintain and cut your hair. Guys can look sexy in both short and long hair.

3. Get groomed. Work with what you've got. But keep it neat and tidy! Trim finger and toe nails weekly, remembering to clean under the nail. No fancy nail polish colors are needed, but a simple beige color can play down any nail discoloration.

4. Get in shape. Go to gym 3 times a week so as to maintain your body shape. Some light running will also help in keeping your body fit and presentable. Women are attracted to guys who have broad shoulders, therefore do swim often too.

5. Be yourself. Have your own style, do not follow others. Be confident in whatever you do.

6. Dress well. Pick some clothes that flatter your figure and that you feel comfortable in.

7. Drink more water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day so as to keep your skin and diet healthy, and help you feel great!

The steps above will enable you to feel more confident and look sexier in the women’s eyes, but nothing beats having a unique character of your own.

By: Crid Lee

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

What You See In Women Determines Your Reality

Men are confused about dating and they're definitely confused about women. They make no logical OR illogical sense to even the best of men.

They see women dressing extremely sexy to attract men (supposedly) and then instantly reject all of the men that are interested in them for what they're obviously showcasing.

Yes, it's the most ironic thing in the world.

What men do see intimidates them in the women they want the most. What they see is the empowered independence of women and the extremely desirable social/sexual attributes of women.

Men don't know how to behave around women. Indeed, none of this is natural (especially the female social adaptation).

It's near impossible for American men to judge women on any other behavioral quality because they don't see any other evident behavioral quality.

They see the prickteasing, sexiness in front of them and they want it so desperately.

For the men's sake, the women aren't acting natural either, but whether they are or not, it is still up to the man to know what her true sexuality is to see beyond her social 'front' or persona.

He has to know that each woman is real despite her adaptation to appear on the same social level as a Paris Hilton just because she's adopted her look and attributes.

A man has to see through all of this to know the truth of a woman.

Once again, so many guys get caught up with what they see in front of them which is VERY real. In fact, it IS the behavioral reality in which they live in.

They see her body, her clothes and worse, her behavior which reinforces that she really is this social 'prize' that is above men (who behave like them).

What they don't know is that there is a natural reality; a natural relational dynamic. This is the secret to seduction and success with women yet it is repressed in our behavioral reality.

The natural's know something the majority of first world men don't. They know more of what a woman's true natural character is. They know that it is within all women and that her behavior changes when she's in that state.

He knows that he is the one who can bring it out of (all of) these women. That alone is tremendous power and value because it triggers the physiological and emotional reaction within women that leads to the reality of sex itself.

A natural communicates differently than other men. He's comfortable in his own skin next to beauty and power. He's powerful himself because he doesn't give up his power for anyone.

He see's and operates in a completely different reality with women than do the men who aren't succeeding with women. It's not about looks, money or status even. Why? Because it's less about the man and more about the woman and her attraction when she's around him.

It's the emotional state she is in while in the natural relational dynamic of sexual communication.

The few men in the first world who have the ability to see the nature of women enjoy a good share of success with women.

They are the wanted men because of how they make women feel.

A natural can see through the social and personal behavioral reality and adaptation of these women. He can see through all of her behavior to her repressed natural character.

He knows the path to sex itself and goes down that road because women want to as well..he just knew the secret and it involves a tremendous amount of respect (not on the inner or social levels but on the natural/spiritual levels) for her.

So if you're ready to see beyond the limited and ineffective behavioral reality of female social and inner power to her true sexuality, I encourage you to seek more information.

By: Rion Williams

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How To Be Closer To Your Man Without Looking Needy!

We all want to be closer to our man. This is something that we may feel the need to do because it will make us feel better about our relationship. This is going to be a great achievement for most couples. However, it is not always easy to get close to your man because you may not want to look too needy to them. You have to know how to do it right so that you are not making a big mistake in your relationship.

1) Allow Your Man To Have Their Space

You need to allow your man to have their space but you want to also get as close to them as you can. When you are trying to learn about their life and find out as much as you can, you will want to be in their life but you also want to let them have their space so that they can do the things that they like to do too.

2) Sometimes, Your Man Needs To Do Something Alone

If a man says that they need to do something and they need to do it alone, you need to let them. This is the only way that you can be sure that they are doing what they need to and getting the space that they need. If you are asked to leave or you are not invited to something in their life, you should make sure that you are letting them do it. This will make them feel as if they have their space and that you are not being too needy.

3) Make Your Man Feel Loved

You will want to make your man feel loved. You want them to feel like they are very important to you but you do not want to be a stalker or anything like that. If you are too clingy, you may in fact scare them away. You may feel as if you are not giving them as much of your attention as you should. You need to make sure that you are doing all that you can to make your man feel good but you should also let them do the same for you. If you are not receiving love back, you may not be in the relationship that you should.

4) Do Not Call Your Man All The Time.

You need to back off at times. It is ok to call your man daily and to check up on what is new in their life. You will want to make sure that you are keeping in touch with him but in a classy way. Calling all the time and making a nuisance of you is only going to make yourself look too needy. This can actually be embarrassing for you.

Learn how to cut back and give the recommended space that you both need when you need it. This is the only way to keep your self-respect and not make him feel like you are not giving him room to breath.

5) He Does Not Have To Go With You Wherever You Go.

It is ok to spend time together, but you need to know when to do things on your own. Spending time together and doing things that you love is important however, you do not have to drag him along when he does not want to come.

Ask him once but do not force him to do something that he is not interested in. of course you need him to spend time doing things that you like with you but you do not need to make it happen all the time. There are ways to connect with your man and not drive him crazy by annoying him with the little things that he does not want to do.

Last but not least, do not constantly tell him what to do. When you are constantly telling him what to do and how to do it, you may in fact be insulting him and making him feel almost like a child. This is going to be a degrading experience for him and it is not something that you want to happen.

Give him the respect that you would want for yourself. This is the best way to keep things moving in the right direction and not making yourself seem like you are attached to him at the hip.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

How To Keep Your Man From Cheating

To understand how to keep your man from cheating, you have to have at least a basic understanding of what caused him to ask you out in the first place. There was something about you that intrigued or attracted him. It could have been the way you looked, the way you acted, some fascinating quirk in your personality, etc...

On top of that, you were on your best behavior. You got dressed up, dabbed on some perfume, and took extra time with your makeup. Now that you are in a relationship do you still do that or does he see you more often in your sweats with no makeup?

In the beginning you undoubtably paid attention to what he had to say. You paid attention to his needs. Do you still do that or are you more interested in getting in the last word or proving to him that you are right?

At the start of your relationship you probably complimented him and bragged about him to your friends. Do you still do that or is he more likely to come home to nagging and complaints?

And of course, in the beginning, you probably couldn't keep your hands off each other. Perhaps you were more adventurous? Were up for almost anything, as long as it made you both feel good. Are you still like that or do you have "Get Lucky Thursdays" set up in advance. Are you spontaneous or have you developed a "routine."

Why do men cheat? Because the adventure and excitement are gone or he feels unappreciated. Why would he want someone who nags him, doesn't listen to a word he says, and with whom he has to schedule play time? No, it is much easier to find someone new who will, at least for the first month, think the world of him.

If you want to keep your man around and keep your relationship exciting do the following:

1) Dress up like you used to and actually pay attention to keeping your body in shape.
2) Pay attention to his interests. Be genuinely interested in what he has to say.
3) Develop activities that you can do together that you are both interested in.
4) Get off your weekly "schedule" and actually make room for at least some play time every day. This could just be some fun groping on the couch or even a tickling session that turns into more.
5)You can share with your man but he doesn't need to know about every pimple, boil or bunion you have picked up since dating him.
6) Keep the bathroom door closed. There is such a thing as too much intimacy. Leave some mystery in your relationship for goodness' sake!
7) Schedule actual dates with him at least once a week. Even a simple dinner and a movie would be a great start.

By: seductiondiva

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Flirting Signs Of A High Level Of Attraction

It's a fact that women use their physical presence to flirt with you during a conversation. By being able to pick up on these cues, you'll be more successful at building attraction and rapport.

That being said, you have to know when a woman is flirting.

So what exactly is flirting and why is it important for building attraction.

In a nutshell, flirting is woman's way of indicating that she's attracted to you and perhaps wants to know you in a more intimate manner. By being able to pick up on her flirting, you'll be able to progress your conversation and take it to the next level. (ie: get her number, set up a date or even go for a kiss).

Now that you know the importance of flirting, you should understand how a woman will try to use 'physical flirting' to attract your attention and build rapport. Here are three signs which she'll show which demonstrate a high level of attraction and flirting:

Flirt Sign #1- You see her leaning towards you

A major sign of flirting is when a woman will lean or move towards you during a deep conversation. Since it's the nature of women to move towards things which attract and interest them, you can easily pick up this cue.

So if spy her leaning towards you, you know she's showing an high level of attraction to her presence. In addition, she's probably doing this in the hopes that you'll initiate physical contact.

Flirt Sign #2- You notice she's initiating contact with you

When a woman touches you, she is demonstrating a classic indicator of flirting. It's human nature to avoid breaking the 'physical touch barrier' unless we're attracted to the other person. So when a woman does this, she is letting you know that she's interested in you and wants things to become more intimate.

Flirt Sign #3- You realize she is the first to make sexual innuendos and comments

When a woman brings up the topic of sex, she's showing you that it is currently thinking about it. If she talks about sex, she's flirting in a suggestive and seductive manner. In fact by brining up the topic, she's subconsciously (or consciously) thinking about what it's like to have sex with you.

To make things more intimate, the physical contact barrier must be broken. So when a woman is the first person to do this, she's showing an obvious sign of flirting and attraction.

While these signs of flirting can be subtle, they are done with the hope that you take things to the next level. So if you can pick up on these flirting cues, you can quickly ramp up your conversation and increase your success with a woman.

This means you can easily grab her number, set up a future date, or even go home with her that night.

By: James_j

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