Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Clues Which Tell If Your Partner is Having an Affair

Infidelity hurts no matter whether it is in a marriage or dating relationship. While some suspicions in a relationship are completely normal, sometimes you just know something is not quite right. In many cases it is difficult to detect because your partner is minding his or her business very closely. They do not want to get caught, not only do they stand to lose the relationship, they could end up with a zero dating experience, if both sides find out that there is someone else.

There are sure fire methods of knowing if your partner is having an affair, but it can be time consuming and costly. The best way to avoid the cost of a private investigator is to do a little snooping yourself and keep your money in your pocket. Here are some clues to tell if your partner is having an affair.

The most obvious clue that is generally very easy to spot is if your partners schedule has changed. Some fluctuation in work hours is normal, but if there is a consistent late, early morning or odd times they may be cheating on you. When you are dating or married to someone you often can guess their work schedule, hobby schedule and when they will be home. If this predictability changes and you are unable to locate them by phone, or in person, it may be time to get suspicious. Excuses such as I forgot my phone, late meetings or early arrival for workload should be a clue that they may be having an affair. Watch for the changes, then start evaluating.

The second clue is odd phone numbers, phone calls or email addresses. If you are having hang up phone calls or your partner is very private with their phone calls, it could be a sign. If in the past, phone calls were taken right in front of you and now he or she waits until you leave the room, you can suspect that the phone call must have been something private. Most individuals that are cheating are somewhat secretive and get defensive, even angry when questioned about their phone calls, emails or other communication methods. They have to have some way to talk to this mistress so keep your eyes and ears open for strange phone calls, numbers or email addresses.

Tip. If the phone history and computer history is constantly deleted, this is a gigantic clue that your partner may be having an affair.

If your partner suddenly has new interests such as golfing, bowling or any other hobby that you have never seen before, beware. This may be a sign that the other person is interested in this hobby so your partner is taking it up. Generally after you have been dating someone for a while you pretty well know their hobbies, likes and dislikes. Also another clue that there may be an affair is if this new hobby only involves the guys or girls and you are never invited. Other changes in likes and dislikes may include music, reading, sports and or other changes in physical activities.

A sudden change in appearance, diet or exercise is another big clue that your partner may be having an affair. If a preoccupation with how their body looks or the shape that they are in may indicate that someone is looking. Women are notorious for buying new bras and panties, ridding their dresser of granny panties. Men will often begin exercising, dye their hair and maybe change the way they dress. Now there are times in a dating or marriage relationship that people want to change their appearance, but if there is a lack of reason you may want to dig in and find out why the change.

There are products on the market that allow you to test your partners under garments for signs of infidelity. These should be used after you have exhausted all other determining clues. The test kits can get costly so be pretty sure before resorting to the testing method. The best way to determine whether or not that your dating partner is cheating on you is to keep your eyes and ears open. Never bury your head in the sand and think that it cant happen to you, it can. Generally, there are several clues that your partner is having an affair, but you have to be aware and know them when you see them.

By: Lee Blackspur

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